Business name:5 paisa
Company description:
A Paisa Saved is A Paisa Earned We know that your money is precious and has to be invested carefully to get maximum returns. We make this possible by bringing you technology driven solutions that enable you to invest at a lower cost. We empower you with information to take right decisions at the right time. Our simple and easy-to-use interface is aimed at waking up the investor in you! The Digital Investor of the future
Company activities:
Provides facility of buying or selling stocks, Invest in SIP and in mutual funds
Number of employees:2000
Year of establishment:2016
Date posted / updated:03-03-2018
User - registered since:03-03-2018
Added under the name:5 paisa. com
Posted in category:Finance, banking, insuranceBrokerage services
Statistics:4789 impressions / 788 visits