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Best School in Noida

CompaniesEducation and scienceSecondary schoolsCompany - Indus Valley Public School

Business name:Indus Valley Public School

Company description:
One of the best schools in Noida is Indus Valley Public School as it offers good education, proper sports opportunities and engaging extracurricular activities. The school has upgraded its functioning to address digital advancement in every sector. Smart classrooms, e-learning modules, and less paperwork are few of structural changes which school had adopted way back to get hold of the future. Maxfort has state-of-the-art hardware and software resources. The focus is to impart education functional to information technology and industrial development. Audio-visual aids in the classrooms support the proper listening, learning and comprehending the concepts as well as fundamentals.

Company activities:
Critical and Problem Solving - by incorporating critical thinking questions in students’ everyday class assignments, involving them in activities that require them to think and solve problems rationally and encouraging them to be original and innovative in their approach Collaborative and Communicative - by building a healthy interpersonal relationship, wherein, students collaboratively and extensively communicate their views with confidence. Initiative and Entrepreneurship - by motivating them to take risks while learning new concepts, initiative to assume roles of responsibility and demonstrate their individual potential at various events organized throughout the year Reflective and Analytical - by teaching themto identify their strengths and weaknesses, reflecting areas they need to work upon and analyze ways that help them achieve more Accessing and Analyzing Information - by integrating ICT in their curriculum, students gain a gamut of technological skills and develop their ability to research and analyze information Agility and Adaptability - by incorporating at least one physical activity in their daily routine helps increase students’ focus, concentration and body strength; which cultivates qualities of sportsmanship, team spirit and discipline; and inspires them to become more flexible Social & Moral Values - by initiating social and moral lessons right from the early years of learning, students learn the importance of human values and ethics.

Company headquarters - Indus Valley Public SchoolStreet:Plot No. 1, Institutional Area
Postal code:201301




Form of business organization:other

Date posted / updated:02-05-2019

User - registered since:02-05-2019

Added under the name:Best School in Noida

Posted in category:Education and scienceSecondary schools

Region:Uttar PradeshDistrict:Gautam Buddha Nagar

Statistics:4643 impressions / 728 visits

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