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Disposable Medical Devices

Business name:JK Medirise

Company description:
JK Medirise is a healthcare startups company in the international medical devices market. JK Medirise is decade old believing in the statement to deliver the premier quality and international standard Medical device products for the healthcare and medical sector. Products: * Dental Implants * Transfusion ∕ Infusion * Interventional Cardiology * Urology * Gastroenterology * Anaesthesia * Surgery * Surgical Dressings * Surgical Disposable Product * Miscellaneous JK Medirise would like to invite you to consider possible business collaborations. Please visit our company website for more information. I am looking forward to hearing from you. With all respect and best regards, Mr. Ketan Munjani JK Medirise Manufacturer exporter India plastic medical disposable devices cannula catheter gloves syringes Needles Dental Implants sutures bandages Oximeter Guidewire Haemostatic Interventional intravenous Introducer Cauteries Nebulizer tube bags sterile oxygen Thoracic endotracheal urine vein venous arteries stent inflation

Company activities:
Manufacturer, exporter, India, plastic, medical, surgical, disposable, consumables, devices, cannula, Cannulae, catheter, infusion, transfusion, Anesthesia, Respiratory, urology, surgery, cardiac, cardiology, stent, dental implants, prosthetics, gloves, syringes, needles, sutures, bandages, cotton wool, oximeter, guide wire, tube, bags, sterile, oxygen, drape, condom, haemostatic, interventional, intravenous, introducer, nebulizer, thoracic, endotracheal, urine, vein, venous, arteries, inflation, biopsy, blood, contract manufacturing, healthcare, hospital, infant, neonatal, vascular, invasive, nasal, safety, neuro, spinal, percutaneous, thoracic, trauma, wound Fabricante, exportador, India, plástico, médico, quirúrgico, desechables, consumibles, dispositivos, cánula, Cánulas, cateter, infusión, transfusión, Anestesia, Respiratorio, urología, cirugía, cardíaca, cardiología, stent, implantes dentales, prótesis, guantes, jeringuillas, Agujas, suturas, vendajes, algodón, oxímetro, guía de alambre, tubo, bolsas, estéril, oxígeno, cortina, condón, Hemostático, intervencionista, intravenoso, introductor, nebulizador, torácico, endotraqueal, orina, vena, venoso, arterias, inflación, biopsia, sangre, contrato de fabricación, hospital, neonatal, vascular, invasivo, nasal, seguridad, neuro, espinal, Percutáneo, torácico, trauma, herida Fabricant, exportateur, Inde, plastique, médical, chirurgical, jetable, consommable, dispositifs, canule, Canules, cathéter, infusion, transfusion, Anesthésie, Respiratoire, urologie, chirurgie, cardiaque, cardiologie, stent, implants dentaires, prothèses, gants, seringues, Aiguilles, sutures, bandages, coton, oxymètre, fil de guidage, tubes, sacs, stériles, oxygène, drap, préservatif, Hémostatique, interventionnelle, intraveineuse, introductrice, nébuliseur, thoracique, endotrachéale, urinaire, veineuse, veineuse, artérielle, inflation, biopsie, sang, fabrication sous contrat, soins de santé, hôpital, infantile, néonatal, vasculaire, invasif, nasal, sécurité, neuro, spinale, Percutané, thoracique, traumatisant, blessé

Company headquarters - JK MediriseStreet:407, Baleshwar Avenue, Opp. Ra
Postal code:380054
Street:407, Baleshwar Avenue, Opp. Ra
Postal code:

Contact person:Ketan Munjani  -Manager




Webpage:http:// ?

Form of business organization:physical person

Date posted / updated:20-11-2017

User - registered since:20-11-2017

Added under the name:Disposable Medical Devices

Posted in category:Health, medicineMedical instruments


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