Business name:MLS OIl - Best Pain Relief Oil
Company description:
MLS OIL is perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs which contain anti-inflammatory molecules and deliver broad spectrum of benefits in relieving from various pain conditions like - Joint pain, Back Pain, Muscle Pain, Knee Pain, Elbow Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Leg Pain etc. Biodelight Healthcare deals with healthcare products & services. First step of Biodelight Healthcare is into Ayurvedic Medicine which includes formulation of innovative, result oriented medicines and to provide it for serving people’s health in a better way with blend of natural herbs.
Company activities:
MLS OIL is perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs which contain anti-inflammatory molecules and deliver broad spectrum of benefits in relieving from various pain conditions like - Joint pain, Back Pain, Muscle Pain, Knee Pain, Elbow Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Leg Pain
Date posted / updated:15-03-2018
User - registered since:15-03-2018
Added under the name:MLS OIl - Best Pain Relief Oil
Posted in category:Health, medicineHealth service - other
Statistics:4903 impressions / 753 visits
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