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Shilpa Arora

Business name:Shilpa Arora

Company description:
Shilpa Arora one of the top Nutritionist in the country offers complete lifestyle plans, based entirely on diet and lifestyle factors at my nutrition studios. This program represents the culmination of my lifelong passion for nutrition and my search to find the ways to maintain health & wellness naturally. A healthy life, is top priority for so many people, and we will go to any lengths to get it. Yet, focus is on external strategies. Skin care products, lasers, and even surgeries. Our society glorifies youth and we are further seduced by media advertisements, magazines, or the latest movie star.

Company activities:
Shilpa Arora is a renowned Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and certified Macrobiotic Health Coach. She has to her credit Doctorate in Natural Medicine. As an expert on Naturopathy and Nutrition, her researched articles, on nature cure, health and nutrition appear regularly in leading newspapers and lifestyle magazines. Shilpa Arora has designed and trained Chefs at Starwood Hotels & Resorts namely at The Westin Hotel, Gurgaon, and has to her credit a Signature Health Menu at the coffee shop - Seasonal Tastes, running successfully for the third year. Shilpa’s designed health products including cookies, seed bars, chocolate delicacies are available at her exclusive outlets and at The Westin Hotel. She is currently based in Delhi NCR region, successfully running her Nutrition Studio with individual consultations, offering life style programs supported by the most up-to-date clinical research.

Company headquarters - Shilpa AroraStreet:B-6 Ground Floor, Panchsheel Enclave
Postal code:110017
Street:J-13 ∕ 1, DLF City 2
Postal code:122002
Opening hours24X7



Webpage:http:// ?

Location:http:// ?

Form of business organization:physical person

Number of employees:15

Year of establishment:2015

Date posted / updated:21-08-2019

User - registered since:21-08-2019

Added under the name:Shilpa Arora

Posted in category:Health, medicineHealth service - other

Region:DelhiDistrict:New Delhi

Statistics:3965 impressions / 591 visits

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