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What was your strategy for GS paper IV (ethics) for UPSC

Strong strategy for GS paper-4 (ethics) for the UPSC mains examination, one should have a thorough understanding of the syllabus so that they can focus on the relevant topics. Apart from that, an aspirant is in desperate need of expert advice and high-quality materials, but deciding which ones to use is a difficult task. However, my observations and experience tell me that the quality of lecture deliverables, as well as associated material, should be prioritized so that students can improve their knowledge and delve deeper into it. So, to simplify this complex situation, we can shed light on the extraordinary services with high-quality resources provided by one of the most prestigious and eminent coaching institutes, EDEN IAS, which has designed the entire program under the supervision of academic scholar Mr. Tirthankar Roychaudhary sir, who is providing guidance based on the current nature of the exam. Some of the course’s key points are as follows: 1. The main thing to remember about their course is that they have completely focused on covering the syllabus and preparing the aspirant to use every portion of the syllabus effectively in answer writing. The applications of topics taught in class are well prepared through daily class-based questions for answer writing provided after each class session. 2. In addition, the course takes a comprehensive approach to covering the entire UPSC ethics syllabus through Theory Classes, Case Studies Sessions, Daily Answer Writing, Class Notes, Study Material, and Sectional Mock Tests, all while providing proper guidance and mentorship.

Price: ₹ 22000

Date posted:20-03-2024 09:48:54

Ending date (ad expires):20-03-2025(Days remaining: 119)

Region:DelhiDistrict:Central Delhi

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Contact person / company:EDEN IAS

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Education and scienceCourses, training, conferences Offering

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