It completely depends on their comfort level and the way they want to structure their preparation that some people prefer to take notes while they are studying for the civil service exam. If I look at the entire UPSC syllabus, ethics is the one subject where you can’t say that any certain book is a good, practical alternative for preparation, thus you have to look through a variety of materials. Similar to how one begins the ethics paper for the UPSC CSE exam, each and every aspirant begins with the lexicon to establish the basics, but in order to answer all the questions from various other fundamentals, one must explore various other books because one will not be able to find enough valuable information from a single book. EDEN IAS, whose impressive results from previous years and continuing this To demonstrate this point, below are a few of the books they created to help you ace your preparation: 1. Theoretical Framework for Ethics by Tirthankar Roychowdhary. 2. 70 Thinkers and Thoughts. 3. Ethics Case Study Work Book by Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir.
Price: ₹ 22000
Date posted:24-11-2023 10:06:18
Ending date (ad expires):23-11-2024(Days remaining: 13)
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HOW DO I Prepare FOR GS 4 Ethics Paper IN THE Mains TO Secur
The greatest way to do well in the main exam is to adequately prepare for the GS 4 ethics paper. You must now be thinking about how one could effectively prepare for this subject. Let’s examine some...
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