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Exploring the Power of WhatsApp Ecommerce in India

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We are all about making your customer shopping experience seamless and enjoyable. Thats why we are excited to introduce our WhatsApp Business Service - So through your customer can direct line to personalized assistance, product inquiries, and more! This process is fully automated by WhatsApp Business API for E-commerce, which enables your company to obtain consumer data with just a click-to-chat link. You can add a chat widget that will take your consumers to a WhatsApp chat with you in order to help them with the purchasing process. Additionally, your clients have the choice to accept brand notifications via WhatsApp.

Price: ₹ 3000

Date posted:26-02-2024 07:38:55

Ending date (ad expires):25-02-2025(Days remaining: 4)

Region:Madhya PradeshDistrict:Indore

Phone / mobile:9993...?


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:AmareshwarAnna

Posted in category:
ServicesOther services For sale

Statistics:1250 impressions / 176 visits

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