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Add your eshop listing free

Here you can add your online shop listing into the list of online shops FREE OF CHARGE.
Posting online shops listings is free for all! There are no fees! Only online shops that sell and deliver goods in this country are allowed:India, English language.

If you want to add your online shop listing to the list of online shops free of charge, you must be a registered user of this portal.
  • If you are not a registered user yet, you can register here: Register (registration is free of charge).
  • If you already are a registered user of this portal, please log in here: Log in.
* Marked fields are mandatory!
Online shop posting rules
All online shops will be checked by our administrators. Any breach of rules will result in the rejection and deletion of your online shop!
Shop posting rules (
  • Only online shops that sell and deliver goods in this country are allowed: India, English language!
  • It is prohibited to add online shop entries that are not online shops! Only online shops may be added – shops that present their goods directly on a website and allow ordering of goods directly via the internet!
  • Each online shop can have only one listing in the list of online shops. Do not add the same shop multiple times!
  • It is prohibited to add online shop entries containing coarse language, offensive statements, meaningless, untrue and deceptive information, information promoting illegal drugs, gambling, online casinos, prescription drugs, tobacco products, smoking, copying of data carriers, discrimination, racism, violence, or any other content that promotes illegal activities, violates human rights, or is in contradiction with good manners.
  • It is forbidden to add online shops with URL addresses that function on the principle of referral programs or affiliate programs.
  • It is prohibited to post shop listing typed exclusively or mostly in capital letters.
  • Shops with sexually explicit content (erotic texts, pictures) may only be added in the "Erotic" category. For shops in the "Erotic" category, erotic content is permitted, but pornographic content and pictures showing genitals, sex acts, sexual intercourse are strictly prohibited.
  • It is prohibited to add shop listing containing a www address (URL), telephone number or e-mail directly in the shop name or in the shop description. For these contacts, there are fields in the section "Your contact data".
  • All online shops will be checked by our administrators. If any of the mentioned rules are violated, your online shop listing will be deleted (without prior notification), or even complete cancellation of your user account on this site may occur.
  • If an illegal content is added or if the Portal or other person / firm is impaired, any information about you, including your IP address, may be provided to competent bodies and the party impaired and may be used against you within criminal proceedings.
Online shop categorization ?X
Do not add the shop listing to categories that do not correspond to the shop listing contents. Put your classified ad in the respective category and subcategory. By selecting the right category and subcategory you increase the effectiveness of your shop listing.
• Do not add the same shop to various categories / subcategories.
You can post your shop listing also directly via the list of categories and subcategories: View list.
* Online shop category / subcategory
Online shop website (URL)
* Webpage - Web (URL address)
Enter only one URL address.
• Entered shop website must be URL address of the site where your online shop is located
• It is prohibited to add online shop entries that are not online shops! Only online shops may be added – shops that present their goods directly on a website and allow ordering of goods directly via the internet!
• Linking to pornographic website without effective age verification (eg. on website with pornographic photos or videos without effective age verification) is not allowed!
• URL addresses with automatic redirection, "paid surfing", template sites, URL addresses of pages with unoriginal content or URL addresses of pages with unclear content, which asks the visitor to send an e-mail for more information through a contact form, are not allowed.
Using rel="nofollow" attribute in www address (in website URL)
Attribute rel="nofollow" provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines "Don’t follow this specific link". This means that link is not followed and crawled by robots and link does not transfer to the destination page any rating (neither positive nor negative rating). Read more about: rel="nofollow".
Add rel="nofollow" attribute
Shop contact data - will be displayed in your shop listing!
Your name / company name
* Email

Unfortunately, messages from our server to mailboxes such as outlook, hotmail, live (e.g.,,, outlook.xy,,, hotmail.xy,, ...) are often considered spam and these servers automatically block them (they are not even delivered to the spam folder)! Use another email service, such as gmx, gmail, etc.

Shop headquarters / address
• DO NOT ADD the same online shop repeatedly into several regions!
* Region
* District
Postal code
VAT Reg. No.
VAT Registration Number (value added tax identification number or VATIN) is an identifier used in many countries for value added tax purposes (for example GB999999999).
Company registration no.
Company registration number (CRN) – is a unique number that is issued to a limited company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) upon incorporation with Companies House. CRN consist of 8 numbers, or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers (for example 12345678).
Shop basic data
In this section you enter texts of your shop. These texts are an important factor for successful presentation of your shop in the shopping directory. Together with the "Shop name", shop description is the first item of information about your shop that website visitors will see; therefore you should make the shop description fitting and extensive enough.
• DO NOT type phone numbers, e-mail addresses or www addresses into the shop name or shop description. For these contacts, there are fields in the above section "Shop contact data".
* Shop name
Shop name is the initial title under which your shop will be presented. We recommend adding a brief descriptive name (e.g. "GobyusShop – computer and office equipment for sale").
* Shop description
Shop description must have at least 200 characters and may not exceed 10000 characters, only the first 200 characters of the shop description will be displayed in the list of searched shops. The complete shop description will be displayed in detailed view of your shop listing. For this reason, to catch your potential customer’s attention, place the most important part at the beginning! You can use Enter to separate paragraphs.
Text example - Shop descriptionComputer shop. Computer sales, laptops, tablets, office equipment and computer accessories. Great choice of goods at great prices with delivery within three working days ...
Minimum of 200 characters (You wrote 0 characters)
Maximum of 10000 characters (Characters remaining: 10000)
Shop advantages and benefits
Text example - Shop advantages and benefits- simple and secure shopping
- delivery within three working days
- wide range of goods, quality goods
- 7-day money-back guarantee
Shop assortment
Text example - Shop assortmentcomputers, monitors, laptops, tablets, toners, computer accessories...
Images ?X
If you wish, you can add images to your online shop listing. Main image (first image) is displayed direct in the shop directory. As main image is appropriate to add the official shop logo or page thumbnail of your shop. Other images are displayed only in the shop detail page. Shops with images are more attractive and engaging for visitors, we encourage you to submit at least one image to your online shop listing. The optimal image dimensions are: 480 x 360 pixels. Allowed image formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. (If you place an image with other dimensions than the defined optimum dimensions, it will be automatically resized to the required dimensions.)
• Maximum allowed image size is: 0.5 MB.
• If image upload is not working, please try to use up-to-date or another browser (Google Chrome, Firefox ...).
• Image must not contain any contact information (eg phone number, email, URL (www address) ...).
• Do not insert pornographic or illegal pictures, pictures breaching copyrights or pictures that are not directly related to your shop.
Maximum number of images: 6 Image You have submitted an incorrect image format. Allowed image formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. The uploaded image size exceeds the maximum allowed size for this image:
 Main image
 Main image
 2. Image
 2. Image
 3. Image
 3. Image
 4. Image
 4. Image
 5. Image
 5. Image
 6. Image
 6. Image
Additional information about shop
Here you can specify terms and conditions of your online shop, such as general terms of use, delivery conditions, returns policy, complaint conditions, privacy policy, cookie policy ...
Terms of Use

Online shops